His kingdom included much of present day Indian states of Rajasthan, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and Punjab. Prithviraj Chauhan ruled from the twin capital of Delhi and Ajmer. She scrupulously and very sagaciously gave proper directions and guidance for the healthy functioning of the kingdom. His mother Karpuradevi was a very canny lady. It was then Prithvi succeeded the throne in 1179. He was put to death by his enemy king Bheemdev-the king of Gujarat. He belonged to the Chahamana dynasty and was born in 1168 to the royal family-king Someshwar and Karpuradevi after 10 years of long prayer. Prithvi Raj Chauhan was the last hindu ruler,after him the Muslim kings could successfully invade India because of disunity among the Indian states. The founder of this dynasty was Vasudeva.
They are said to have ruled from 700A.D upto 1200AD.